Nick Bradley

How Golfers Of All Ages
Can Add
30-50 Yards

Off The Tee Without

Swinging Harder Or Faster…

Using This Simple
8-Minute “Swing Cheat”…

Hitting weak, mis-hit drives can make you (and your playing partners) cringe…

… as your ball barely reaches 220, 200, or even 150 yards.

And if you’re chopping your way round the course…

…worried your buddies are secretly annoyed with your embarrassing, slow play, then…

Trying To Hit The Ball
Harder, Faster, And
Is The Worst Thing You Can Do!

That’s according to Nick Bradley – Justin Rose’s former coach and the man Butch Harmon calls “Golf’s Bright New Teaching Star”.

See, Nick discovered a “hidden power joint” that’s responsible for 90% of your distance and power.

But contrary to popular belief…

It isn’t one of the ‘conventional’ power sources in the golf swing.

That means it’s not in the ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, or elbows.

And because it’s ‘hidden’, most amateur golfers don’t even know it exists…

Yet this one joint is robbing them of 30-50 yards every time they swing the club.

Which is why swinging the club harder and faster won’t work.

In fact, doing so only creates more breakdowns in their swing…

Causing all those frustrating, spotty, and inconsistent drives…

As they overcompensate for the one thing responsible for effortlessly increasing swing speed and distance.

The good news is, Nick has developed…

A Simple And Quick
8-Minute ‘Swing
That Unlocks Your Hidden
Joint Adding 30+
Yards Almost Instantly!

Giving you the confidence to commit to every tee shot (including the 1st)…

So you can feel that flush contact as you impact the ball…

And watch a perfectly shaped draw land straight down the middle of the fairway.

Even better…

Nick’s put together a short video-training that unlocks your hidden power joint in under 8-minutes.

In the video, you’ll also discover the surprising yet obvious location of this joint…

And wonder why this crucial joint isn’t mentioned in modern golf instruction.

So if you want bomb longer, straighter drives…

Smash the sweet spot on every tee shot…

And get an ‘edge’ over your buddies…

Click the “watch now” button below to unlock your hidden power joint and uncover your hidden distance potential…

Watch Now